by Stephanie Hogg | Mar 26, 2019 | Autumn, Children, Family, Outdoors, Siblings, Testimonial, Toddler
Apart from capturing Michaela’s family as they are right now, together and happy, Michaela also had a special request. Her beautiful daughter who is so full of energy, spunk and happiness had a tendency to have a spat when things didn’t quite go her way...
by Stephanie Hogg | Oct 23, 2018 | Baby, Children, Family, Newborn, Siblings, Studio, Testimonial, Toddler
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged because life has been a touch crazy. I’ve moved into a new studio space!! And while I have yet to properly announce it, I’ve been putting things here and there because I can’t help myself. I also...
by Stephanie Hogg | Jun 17, 2018 | Baby, Personal, Siblings, Toddler
The first six months of Lucy’s life have gone by so fast. I started preparing myself for shoots in April when Lucy was about three months old and after keeping myself busy with work and life with a little baby and toddler, it’s been rather difficult to...
by Stephanie Hogg | Jun 4, 2018 | Autumn, Children, Family, Outdoors, Siblings, Testimonial, Toddler
Sometimes kids can take a good chunk of time to warm up at a session. This little man had fallen asleep in the car on the way out and was a bit sleepy still when they arrived. This meant that he wasn’t too keen to meet my enthusiasm or run around straight...
by Stephanie Hogg | May 17, 2018 | Autumn, Children, Family, Outdoors, Siblings, Testimonial, Toddler
The weather was still warm for this family session, despite it being mid-Autumn in Canberra. And this family arrived with a little boy who’d fallen asleep in the car on the way to our destination. So, I knew that my usual fun games and semi-posed setups...
by Stephanie Hogg | Apr 20, 2018 | Autumn, Big Family, Children, Family, Outdoors, Siblings, Testimonial, Toddler
Mum and Dad were sitting on the grass having a quiet moment together, the kids were beside me as I yelled across at them to flirt with each other, they laughed and I turned to the kids and asked “which one of you wants to take a photo of mum and dad?”...